Software Engineer Salaries and Cost of Living in the US in 2022

COVID-19 made hybrid/remote work for Software Engineers the norm. The goal of this narrative visualization is to help you to make a more informed decision about your next job, if you are looking for one! We will explore tech salaries, rent and cost of living in different cities across the US. The Mean software engineer salary by city, is based on this data set obtained from Kaggle Please note that these mean salaries are not based on titles, years of experience, or any particular tech stacks, and simply reflect the mean salary for each city in 2022.

It's no surprise that CA tops the list for highest salaries, however you may be better off taking a job in Oakland instead of San Fransisco. San Fransico tech employees lose out on an addition 4% to Cost of Living and Rent compared to their Oakland counterparts.

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Salaries Color coded by Region:






 Rent Plus Cost of Living